Pet Dentistry in the Greater Houston Area, TX

What is Veterinary Dentistry?
Veterinary Dentistry begins with an evaluation of the oral cavity. A preliminary treatment plan can be made after examination of the awake patient. Anesthesia is necessary to perform all diagnostics and fully evaluate the mouth and throat areas.
Pedodontics involves the management of the developing oral cavity. Staged extractions, surgical repositioning of teeth, and orthodontics can treat and avoid many occlusal problems. Early intervention can also help prevent the early loss of teeth.
Periodontics involves the tissues that support the teeth. It is estimated that up to 80% of our pets have some degree of periodontal disease by the time they are three years old. An effective home hygiene program is paramount in the prevention of periodontal disease.
Endodontics is therapy directed toward the pulp tissue (nerve) in the center of a tooth. Root canal procedures in animals are as effective as they are in humans.
Restorative dentistry uses many different materials to replace lost or damaged parts of teeth. Tooth-colored composite resins and non-precious metal crowns are most commonly used.
Oral Surgery procedures are often required to restore the health and function of the mouth when genetic, infectious, developmental, traumatic, and neoplastic abnormalities are present. Many of the same procedures used for humans can be applied to our pets.