Pet Jaw Surgery in the Greater Houston Area, TX
Pet Jaw Surgery
in the Greater Houston Area
The two most common pet jaw surgeries performed on dogs and cats by board-certified veterinary dentists are fracture repair and oral tumor/cancer surgery.

Pet jaw fractures result from either traumatic injury or a combination of periodontal disease followed by a traumatic injury. Periodontal disease can cause thin, weak jaw bones that fracture from very little stress or self-trauma (biting an object). Jaw fractures are often repaired by employing oral surgical procedures to stabilize the fracture. Bone implant or bone augmentation procedures can be employed to aid fracture healing when necessary. Our goal is to save teeth and avoid further injury to teeth when treating jaw fractures.
Pet oral tumors that affect the jawbones often require surgery to excise or remove diseased bone associated with the tumor. For non-aggressive tumors/cancers, partial bone removal and preservation of the jaws can often be achieved. Aggressive cancer requires the removal of large amounts of the jawbone. While it is difficult for some pet owners to make a decision to remove part of their pet’s jaw, these animals often compensate well and proceed to have a good quality of life.
In order to determine the type of tumor or cancer, a biopsy and histopathological study by a qualified pathologist are performed. In addition to veterinary radiographs (x-ray), biopsy helps determine an accurate diagnosis. Veterinary oncologists are often consulted to provide the best treatment plan and prognosis.
If your pet requires jaw surgery due to a fracture or oral tumor, they will receive a thorough evaluation including veterinary radiographs allowing us to create an individualized treatment plan for your pet.